The busy hustle and bustle of daily life is something that we all experience and something that we all have to try and find ways to deal with. This year has definitely made that all the more difficult, but peoples resilience has shone through and people find a way to make things work for them.
One of the toughest things now with many of us working from home, is trying to prioritise the time we have outside of the working day to do other things / hobbies.
Currently I am working on my debut novel and also creating a book trailer using CGI and computer modelling techniques, although it is taking me a lot longer than I had previously envisaged.
By the time the working day is over and we all sit to have dinner and get the baby ready for bed it’s the evening. Then a decision has to be made, do more work on the novel or catch up on a box set together and then head to bed.
We all have so many responsibilities outside of our day to day lives and managing them is often a challenge. The benefit for me looking to self-publish is the freedom I have to move release dates etc. and this lifts some of the pressure, however I really cant wait to share my story with you all and see what you all think.
It is also a nerve-wracking feeling, as you spend so much time working on your passion and then its sent out to the world for judgement. This is scary as you just don’t know what people are going to say or think of it.
I just take a moment and remember that I started writing as something different to do and to achieve something I have always wanted to do, I just hope that people will enjoy coming on the journey with me.
I would be really interested in how you all find the time to do other things outside of work, especially in these unprecedented times and would love to hear some different techniques you use to deal with it all
Leave me a comment down below 😊